How To Create Funny and Entertaining Ads? A Brief Guide On Using Humor to Capture Attention

Imagine this: A billboard on a busy street displays a picture of a cat wearing sunglasses with the caption, “I’m feline fine with my new catnip-infused shades.” 

Caught your attention, right???

It’s pretty challenging to grab people’s attention these days, isn’t it? With so many ads everywhere, only a few manage to make a mark. But here’s a little secret: making your ads funny can make them stand out. 

Think about it, who doesn’t love a good laugh? This piece is all about how to sprinkle a bit of humor into your ads to catch more eyes and make a lasting impression. Plus, we’ve got some top-notch tips on how to tweak your Google Ads to get even better results. So, stick around to learn how to level up your ad game with a touch of humor!

Why Use Humor in Advertising?

These are three reasons why humor is such a powerful tool in attracting potential audiences and why you need a little humor in your advertising:

  1. Unforgettable: Humorous ads tend to remain in people’s minds longer than ones that are serious or informative. It’s the little dopamine boost that forms a positive association with your brand in their heads, making it more likely for them to recall your brand, product, or service.
  2. Shareable: Social media is all about sharing what amuses people with each other and thus, funny ads have a higher chance of going viral. People share content that makes them laugh, which can significantly increase your brand’s reach and exposure.
  3. Cuts through the noise: With so many ads flooding consumers daily, a witty ad skips the fluff and grabs your audience’s attention. It provides them with a refreshing break from the monotony of solemn sales-focused ads that neither entertain nor attract.

Elements of a Funny Ad

Create a successful humorous advertisement with these essential components, making up a funny ad that ultimately works wonders for your campaign:

  • Relatable

The humor has to be relatable to your target audience for it to be effective. Use situations, characters, or themes that are trendy and distinct. This will create a connection with your audience and make the ad more interesting.

  • Timed Impact!

In comedy, timing is everything and the same principle applies to humorous ads. The punchline or capstone should be delivered at just the right moment to maximize its impact, making all the difference in the success of your ad.

  • Authentic and Original

Avoid using overused jokes or clichés that people have heard countless times before since reduplication brings down originality and to stand out, your ad needs to be original. Strive for fresh, authentic, and unique ideas that will surprise and delight your audience.

  • Brand Relevant

Don’t forget the ultimate goal of your ad – to promote your brand. Keep the humor relevant to your product or service and align it with your brand’s values and personality. Don’t force humor just for the sake of it; make it fit naturally to your brand’s message.

Tips for Creating Funny Ads

You know now what goes into making funny ads, but creating one still sounds confusing as a beginner. Worry no more! Follow these tips to finally craft successful humorous ads that land your campaign on target!

  1. Knowing and understanding your target audience’s sense of humor is imperative to tailor your ad according to their liking. Sense of humor differs among each group and what may across as funny to some, may not be considered funny by others.
  2. You must keep your ad simple and lightly humorous. Don’t overcomplicate your ad with too many jokes or complex storylines and keep it focused on one central idea (that aligns with your brand).
  3. Using attractive visuals enhances the humor in your ad so make sure to use images, animations, or videos to bring your witty concept to life and make it fascinating.
  4. Unfortunately, not every joke will land as you intend it to. Test your ad with a focus group or a small audience to gauge their reaction and base your final pitch on their feedback to refine or improve the “landing” of your ad’s joke.
  5. Don’t force it! If humor doesn’t fit your brand or the message you want to convey, it’s better to have an informative ad that resonates with your particular audience than a poorly executed comical one.

Tips to Refine Your Google Ads Optimization to Perfection

Incorporating humor can be a powerful strategy when it comes to optimizing your Google Ads campaigns. These tips will help you get the most out of your humorous ads:

  1. The right humor for the right audience: Make sure to use Google Ads’ customizable targeting options such as age, location, interests, and online behavior.
  2. Enhanced ad copy and visuals: An ad copy that blends your humor with witty visuals and resonates with your target audience is the secret to a successful landing.
  3. Monitor performance and iterate: Regularly review your campaign’s performance metrics, such as click-through rate, conversion rate, and cost-per-click, and use this data to refine your ad content, targeting, and overall strategy.
  4. Leverage audience insights: With the help of analytics data, analyze the demographics and their engagement with your comical ads. This data will help you refine your targeting further and create more relevant humor.
  5. Experiment with different formats: There are several formats, such as video or dynamic ads, to showcase your humor more engagingly. Experiment to figure out which suits your audience best!

With these Google Ads optimization tips, weave your humorous ads to ultimately drive better results for your business.


Pitching funny and entertaining ads can be pivotal for your winning advertising strategy. Using humor effectively lets you capture attention, retain it, and ultimately bring your potential audience to your service. Briefly, keep your humorous ads relatable, well-timed, original, and brand-relevant to propel the campaign to newer heights! With these Google Ads optimization tips in mind, you’re well on your way to creating ads that make people laugh while also driving results to your business.


How can I increase my sales through humorous ads?

With humorous ads, you can increase your sales by utilizing its attention-grabbing quality. It will help forge a positive association with your brand, making your message more memorable. Implement the tips mentioned in this article, while aligning humor with your brand’s values and its target audience, and Voilà! You can create ads that not only entertain but also drive conversions.

What are some Google Ads campaign optimization tips for humorous ads?

When running humorous ads on Google Ads, you must optimize your campaign for maximum impact. You can do so by targeting the right audience, using relevant keywords, and creating compelling ad copy (that complements your humorous visuals). To maximize the optimization of your ads, monitor and adjust your campaign with performance metrics and its results. For more comprehensive tips, refer to our article!

How can I ensure my humorous ads are effective in Google Ads campaign optimization?

Ensure the effectiveness of your humorous ads in Google Ads by tracking your campaign’s performance closely. Monitor metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and engagement to use with A/B testing and compare different versions of your ads. The results will help you see which ones connect best with your audience. Continuously refine your targeting, ad copy, and visuals based on these data-driven insights to optimize your campaign’s performance and launch it successfully.

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