How Can Google Ads Help You Advance Your Business Goals?

Every business is for potential customers, and in order to reach those customers, the business
must reach those customers. And the question is how?

With the surge in online selling and purchasing, it’s not new that businesses have curated ways to reach customers remotely, but what makes them reach the very potential customers who are in search of their products?

All these questions and many like them can be answered by answering how advertisements work, and more specifically how Google advertisements work. In this blog, we will delve into the ways through which you will know how Google ads can help you advance your business goals and why is it so important to compete in today’s vastly growing market.

Google is the first place that comes to the mind of the customer when searching for any product, and it should be the first place that comes to the mind of the seller too. Businesses that have harnessed the power of Google ads are the most competent ones in the market.

What are Google ads and how do they work?

Google, is a network of millions and billions of websites, a worldwide network that has just anything that a customer wants. So, how would your business reach to the potential customers? That is where Google ads come in.

Google ads are targeted, and by targeted we mean that they are curated perfectly to reach the potential audience. They use information like Google search history, demographics, and related information to bring advertisements that you want to see.

What does Google get for every ad that brings the customer to your page?

Businesses run on perfectly curated business strategies, and one of the most important is how you deal with your finances to upgrade your business. Therefore, one of the most significant things in this whole discussion of Google, businesses, and targeted ads is what Google gets in the process.

Google uses a pay-per-click model for the Google ads. The PPC model charges you only if a person clicks your ad. Yes, as simple as that!

There are different types of Google ads; with each category anthologized specifically as per the demands of the businesses.

Types of Google Ads

Different types of Google ads used by Google are;

Search Ads:

Search ads are one of the essential parts of advancing your business goals as they generate the most organic traffic to your website. Known for being the most renowned type of Google ads, search ads appear on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

Search ads are distinguished by the word “Ad” written next to them; otherwise, they appear as just any normal search result. These ads play a bigger role by enhancing the visibility of your search engine, and by doing so they increase the awareness of your business and ultimately drive traffic to your website.

Display Ads:

Google Display ads, as the name represents, are the ads that appear on the Google Display Network. Google Display Network is comprised of millions of apps, websites, as well as, Google properties. Gmail and YouTube are the most common examples of the Google properties.

Shopping Ads:

Google Shopping ads are shopping carousels. They appear as carousels rather than the search results. These ads, like other Google ads appear on the search engine results page.

Video Ads:

Google Video ads are available on Google properties like YouTube. Video ads show up before the actual video starts on YouTube.

Why Google Ads?

Google ads have promising benefits for businesses, especially when it comes to e-commerce business. Let’s see some of the benefits that Google ads offer to the e-commerce industry.

Increased Brand Awareness:

Awareness brings visibility and visibility brings potential customers. It’s a cycle that every business goes through, but the time taken to complete this cycle depends on how competent your product is and what your marketing techniques are.

The potential audience is the one that fits into the profile of the potential buyers. People who not only visit your business website but also buy your products and become regular buyers.

Not everyone that comes to your page is a buyer, but still brings in traffic, and increases the speed of the cycle. Awareness and visibility of the products or businesses are fueled by targeted ads and that is where Google ads come in, in their shining blue armor.
Increased Traffic
Organic traffic comes from targeted ads. The traffic flow is linked with the awareness as well as the visibility of the business, and luckily Google ads are quite competent at the task.

Improved Return on Investment:

Businesses, big or small, have to strategize their finances efficiently in order to keep the burden low. You cannot empty your pockets at the advertisements. Google ads, on the other hand, are investments that pay off quite well by bringing in more traffic and improving your business goals.
Google ads only charge you when a potential customer lands on your page. So, it is pretty evident that your money is not going down the drain. Google ads are the most promising advertisements you can have for your business.

Tracking Performance through Data:

Google is the search engine equipped with one of the most powerful tracking tools in the industry. With these powerful tracking tools, google collects data like demographics and keywords, and with this information, it assesses what keywords bring in more clicks, traffic, and eventually sales.

With the data retrieved from Google’s tracking tools, you can get important information regarding market trends. With sufficient information on how the traffic is generated, one can successfully curate business strategies accordingly.


Google ads are a fast, efficient and organic way of generating traffic for your business. Getting your products to potential customers is like finding a needle in the hay. Google ads give a whole new experience to businesses by landing their products and ads to the very potential buyers and bringing traffic to the business pages and websites. Furthermore, they are budget-friendly as well, a potentially win-win option for startups and old businesses!

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