What is Amazon PPC?

Amazon PPC or Amazon Pay-Per-Click is Amazon’s advertisement that brings success to the sellers and customized ads to the customers. As a business owner, if you are familiar with the Google PPC, you might as well be able to understand the Amazon PPC.

So, what is Amazon PPC? Amazon pay-per-click offers one of the best ways for sellers to save up on advertisements, as well as drive potential traffic to their businesses. Amazon charges you only when a potential customer visits your product or page after clicking on your ad.

Amazon is the third largest advertisement platform on the market. Following the lead of Google and Facebook, it is helping businesses generate organic traffic to their businesses as well as helping them to remain within their advertisement budget.

Let’s delve into the Amazon Pay-per-Click, how it works, and what benefits it unlocks for business owners.

Amazon PPC – How it Works?

Let us break down how Amazon advertisements work and what is pay-per-click;

  • Customer comes on Amazon and search for “water bottles”
  • Amazon collects all the ads that have the keyword “water bottles” in them, and after compiling it presents the products to the customer.
  • Ads with the highest bid usually win the auction.
  • The customer clicks on the ad and proceeds to the product description page.
  • Amazon charges for the ads on which the customers click.

What Ads can be used for Amazon PPC?

Like Google ads, Amazon ads have different types, three of which are most prominent. Each of the three types is listed below to give a better understanding to the business owners;

Sponsored Products

Sponsored product ads sponsor a single product, and therefore, advertise only one product at a time. Keywords are used by the sellers or the advertisers to generate traffic by using these kinds of ads.

Sponsored Brands

In Amazon-sponsored brand advertisements, Amazon sponsors a brand instead of a product. It can consist of three products as well as an Amazon brand.

Sponsored brand advertisements bring awareness of the brands to the customers and ultimately bring potential customers to the brand.

Sponsored Display

Like ads for sponsored products, the Sponsored display also promotes one single product. This Amazon pay-per-click advertisement targets potential buyers from their activity, interest, and shopping activities.

What is different between sponsored products and sponsored displays is that the latter does not use keywords. Rather it uses complex tech like automation to generate organic traffic based on the shopping activity of the potential buyers.

Getting Started with Amazon PPC for Your First Campaign

Now that we know all the necessary stuff about Amazon pay-per-click advertisements, their types, and their working, let’s get into how to launch your very first campaign with the Amazon PPC.

Choose Products

Sponsored products, sponsored displays, or sponsored brands, whatever type you are going for, firstly choose the products that you are going to advertise.

There is no rocket science in categorizing your products into any of these types. Remember, make sure you compile similar products together when choosing Sponsored Brands. By doing so, you will generate traffic for each of the products by using similar keywords.

Research your Keywords

Keywords are game changers when it comes to promoting your products on any platform including Amazon. When researching keywords, there are two different categories; manual campaigns and automatic campaigns.

While you choose and compile the keywords in the manual campaigns, the automatic campaigns do the work for you. For beginners, automatic keyword compiling is suggested and recommended, and once you are experienced enough to do the task on your own, you can shift to manual campaigns.

Sonar and Keywords Everywhere are two of the best online sites that let you compile your keywords after research.

Create Your Campaign

Start creating your Amazon Campaign in three easy steps;

Log into your account, go to the “advertisements” tab, and finally create your campaign by selecting “create campaign”. After these three steps, Amazon will allow you to choose from the three types of Amazon ads.

The next step is to fill in some credentials and select the effective and end date of your campaign. As well as, the budget of your campaign.

Choose you Targeting

The third step in creating your campaign is choosing the targeting for your Amazon pay-per-click ads. You can select any one out of the manual targeting and automatic targeting. Amazon highly recommends choosing automatic targeting for novice users and beginners, but if you are well aware of the keyword research keyword compiling, and keyword optimization, feel confident about choosing the manual targeting.

Upload your Keywords

For the sellers and professionals who prefer manual targeting, Amazon PPC allows them to choose around one thousand keywords per ad. The recommended number for campaigns is thirty and above.

While automatic keyword targeting is solely handled by Amazon, it does recommend keywords to the users who choose manual keyword targeting.

Set Keyword Bids

After selecting the keywords, the next task at hand is to choose keyword bids. Start by determining the most effective keyword to set the most cost-effective bid. Money guessing is not something that is recommended in setting bids for the keywords, always refer to your data to select the bids.

Bids can be changed whenever you want, so keep checking your bids for their performance.

Submit your Bids

Submitting your bid is the last step in your Amazon ads campaign. Submit your bids on Amazon, and it will launch it. After the launch, you can stay updated about their performance.

Checking your performance on and off helps you in making quick changes to your campaigns!


Amazon is categorized as one of the biggest players in the eCommerce. The platform is genuinely serving every nook and corner of the globe. So, all the competitive business owners who want to attract organic traffic to their businesses should definitely look at competitive platforms like Amazon. Amazon Pay-per-click ads are a great way of launching your ads to potential customers. What’s more, is that Amazon will charge you only when someone clicks on your advertisements!

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