8 Types Of Copywriting Hooks For Best Ad Copy – Explained With Examples

You know how you’re just mindlessly scrolling through your feed, and suddenly an ad stops you in your tracks? Bam – you can’t help but pause and actually read it? That’s the power of a great hook. It’s that tantalizing opening line that grabs attention and practically forces people to keep reading.

Designing killer ad copywriting is an art, and the hook is your secret weapon. There are eight main types of Copywriting hooks to choose from – from the classic question hook that taps into burning queries, to the whispered secret hook that makes people lean in close. 

By learning all the hooks with real-life examples, you’ll have a copywriting toolkit to create ads that don’t just get glazed over. Get ready to explore marketing magic!

1. The Question Hook

You know when an ad just stops you mid-scroll with a thought-provoking question? It’s like it’s speaking directly to you. Those are ads using the question hook – and they’re super effective!

A good question hook plucks a relatable thought right from your brain. 

Like “Tired of waking up exhausted?” they’ve got your curiosity going with just one line. By opening with a question, the ad instantly connects with you and gets you wanting to know more. It’s a clever trick to grab attention and keep you hooked.

2. The Storytelling Hook

People love a good story. It’s like taking a little mental vacation, right? Starting your ad with a quick, relatable tale helps create an emotional bond with your reader.

Example: John had only $50 in his bank account. Two years later, he was investing in his dream home. Wouldn’t you want to know how he pulled that off? By weaving a story into your ad, you make your message stick in people’s minds and leave them wanting to find out more.

3. The Shocking Statistic Hook

Have you ever heard a statistic that made you do a double-take? 

Example: Did you know that 90% of people sleep with their smartphones less than 3 feet away? Crazy, right? When you throw a surprising fact into your ad copywriting, it grabs people’s attention.

Using a shocking statistic is a great way to highlight just how important or urgent your message is. It makes people stop and think, Wow, I had no idea! And that can be the perfect opening to get them interested in what you have to say.

4. The Problem-Solution Hook

You know that super annoying issue that just keeps happening over and over? The one that drives you absolutely crazy, and you wish someone would finally fix it already? That’s where the problem-solution hook comes into play. It’s like saying, “Hey, I totally get what you’re dealing with, and guess what? I’ve got the perfect solution!”

For example: “Sick of your glasses constantly fogging up whenever you wear a mask?” That’s such a real and relatable problem these days. But then you hit them with “Our anti-fog lens cleaner has you covered!” Bam! You pointed out a very common frustration, and immediately offered up your product as the solution they need.

It’s a super straightforward way to show your audience that you get their struggles and have something to make their lives easier. By calling out the problem they’re facing and presenting your product as the answer, you’re grabbing their interest from the get-go. Simple, effective, straight to the point!

5. The Promise Hook

Making a promise in your ad copy is a great way to get people pumped about what you’re selling. It’s basically saying “Here’s what you can expect if you give our product a go.” But you gotta make sure it’s a promise you can actually keep.

Example: “Get glowing skin in just 7 days with our natural skincare line, or get a full refund.” Now that’s a confident promise! It sets a clear expectation – radiant skin in one week – and even guarantees your money back if it doesn’t work out. 

A bold promise like that gives people a reason to believe in your product. It gets them excited imagining those potential amazing results. Of course, you’ve got to make sure to actually deliver on that promise once they try it out!

6. The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) Hook

Ever come across something that seems so awesome, you worry you’ll regret not jumping on it right away? That’s the exact feeling the FOMO hook taps into. It’s basically like saying, “Hey, this is an incredible chance, and everyone’s getting in on it. You don’t want to be the one missing out, do you?”

Like an ad that says “Join thousands who’ve upgraded their home office. Sale ends tonight!” That kind of message makes you feel rushed to jump on the bandwagon before it’s too late. By creating that sense of urgency and fear of missing out, this hook pushes people to take action right away – whether it’s scoring a sweet deal or being part of the latest trend. A little FOMO can go a long way!

7. The Humor Hook

You know how a well-timed joke can instantly brighten your mood and put you at ease? That’s exactly what a humorous hook in an ad can achieve! It’s a smart technique to capture people’s attention and demonstrate that the brand has a lighthearted side.

Take this example: “Why did the marketer refuse to play hide-and-seek? Because they didn’t want to be hard to find!” It’s a playful little quip that immediately piques your curiosity and reveals the brand’s fun personality. By kicking things off with a chuckle, the ad forges an instant bond with the reader, making them more receptive to the overall message. A dash of wit can truly work wonders in advertising!

8. The Quotation Hook

A good quote can really make you sit up and take notice, right? Starting an ad with a meaningful quote is a powerful way to grab attention and show what the brand is all about.

For example, kicking things off with “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower – Steve Jobs.” Bam! That quote immediately gets you thinking about the importance of being innovative and leading the pack. Then following it up with something like “Be an industry leader with our cutting-edge solutions.” In just a couple lines, you’ve associated the brand with innovation and shown how the product helps people embody those values. It makes a big impact in a short span!

Drafting Your Hook

When picking copywriting hooks for your ad, think about who you’re trying to reach and what you want them to do. A great hook will make your ad stand out and get people interested. Try out different hooks to see what works best. The most important thing is creating something valuable and relevant to your audience.

With some practice, you’ll get better and better at writing ads that really click with your target market. Before long, you’ll be making ads that truly connect and get the results you want.


Can you explain what hooks are when it comes to writing ads?

Sure! Hooks in the copywriting world are those clever little lines or phrases designed to literally “hook” the reader from the very start. They’re like a first impression that grabs attention and gets people interested in reading more about what you’re selling.

So how do I create a killer hook for my ad?

Think about who your ideal customer is and what matters most to them. A great hook speaks directly to their wants, needs, or pain points using compelling, can’t-ignore language. Maybe it’s a burning question they’d dying to have answered or an startling stat that stops them in their tracks. The goal is to pique curiosity or stir up emotion right away.

How often should I switch up my ad hooks?

Keep a close eye on how your ads are performing – that’s your best indicator for when to refresh things. If you notice engagement is dipping or you need to stay relevant for a new season/trend, it’s probably time to whip up some new hooks. Don’t let your openings get stale!

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