8 Tips for Optimal Product Listing Ad Performance

Are you looking to boost your online sales through Google AdWords? These expert suggestions will help you optimize the success of your product listing ads on Google AdWords. Using Google Ads for e-commerce businesses may increase sales and product awareness. A well-designed Google Ads campaign optimization strategy can significantly impact your bottom line. That’s why we are here.

 Here are some tips and tricks for creating a high-performing product listing.

I. Find your Marketplace for Product Posting :

Hundreds of thousands of e-commerce businesses sell on Amazon, which only sometimes means you should follow suit. Its seller expenses are higher than average, and the competition is fierce despite its many business options.

Although Omnisend thinks highly of Amazon, we advise e-commerce companies to explore broader selling avenues. Numerous specialized markets exist, such as Etsy, Uncommon Goods, NewEgg, Bonanza, and so on; these markets are less competitive, less focused on discounts, and have more seller-friendly policies. Selling on these marketplaces may allow you to reach more clients while preserving your profit margins.

II. Strategic Keyword Selection :

Select profitable keywords that are associated with your product. Make use of resources such as Google Keyword Planner to find relevant phrases that strike a balance between search volume and competition.

II. Optimize your product feed: 

A well-optimized product feed is the foundation of your Google shopping ads campaign, so it’s crucial to optimize it. Including accurate and detailed product information, titles, descriptions, images, and pricing is essential. You can move on to the next step only after optimizing your product.

  • Product posting titles :

Clear, concise titles work best. Long, keyword-rich titles are sometimes more effective. Therefore, coming up with a title is more of an art than a science, and you have to see how much you can omit without hurting sales.

  • Exceptional Product Images in the Listing :

Images must correctly depict the sold item and correspond with the product title. The product must occupy 85% or more of the picture. A photo must have realistic colors, be sharply focused, be well-lit, and be free of pixelation and rough edges.

  • Get Started with a Powerful Introduction :

You will use this strategy to sell to the buyer. Thus, you need to fill out that description. Customers should find all the answers to their inquiries regarding the product in the description, not anywhere else.

IV. Add negative keywords to your campaigns :

Save money on customers who will likely convert by including negative keywords in your product listing advertising.

Take the example of selling upscale bedding. Consider adding “cheap bedding” to your list of prohibited keywords. Second, you will not advertise to customers who will not spend money on upscale linens.

Adding negative keywords as you collect data from your campaigns when you find search phrases where customers don’t click on your advertisement or click but don’t convert is valuable.

V. Use Ad Extensions :

You can boost your product listings with the help of Ad Extensions. Include links to other sites, super cool snippets, and Clueless Extensions that will further expand your listing potential. Ad extensions allow you to immediately show real-time information in your advertising, such as stock availability, promotions, and pricing. This makes people feel they have to act quickly, which increases the likelihood that they will click on your adverts and convert.

VI.. Optimise Your Bids Using Performance:

Assess your Google Shopping Ads campaigns regularly and modify your bidding approach as needed. Identify your best-performing items and give them a larger budget to increase their visibility. However, if a product could be doing better, consider changing the bid or stopping the campaign to concentrate resources on areas making more money.

VII.  Mobile-Friendly Optimisation:           

Make sure your product listings are mobile-friendly. To reach a wider audience, ensure your advertisements are aesthetically pleasing and straightforward for various devices.

VII.. Make Use Of The Whole Targeting Toolkit:

Use the entire targeting toolbox to increase your campaign’s effectiveness. Use various targeting options to reach your target audience efficiently and improve your campaigns’ effectiveness. Extensive targeting guarantees accuracy in connecting with the audience, which improves outcomes and increases return on investment.


Optimizing your product listing ads for Google AdWords is a multifaceted strategy that requires attention to detail, creativity, and strategic thinking. By implementing the expert tips mentioned in this article, e-commerce businesses can enhance their product awareness, reach their target audience more effectively, and ultimately, drive more sales. Remember, the world of online advertising is ever-evolving, and staying ahead requires constant learning and adaptation. With these tips as your guide, you’re well on your way to achieving optimal performance in your Google Ads campaigns and making a significant impact on your bottom line.

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