10 Hacks To Improve Your Google Ads Campaign In 2024

With a new year come new opportunities to make your Google Ads shine. We know you want your Google Ads campaigns to beat the competition in 2024. Well, you’ve come to the right place!

We’ve put together 10 hacks that can seriously boost your Google Ads performance this year. These tips will help you optimise for relevance, target smarter, and use new ad formats – no matter your budget. Our goal is to provide actionable strategies to refresh your Google Ads approach. 

Whether you’re an expert or just starting out, there are always ways to step up your campaigns. So, let’s talk about how to make 2024 your best year ever on Google Ads! By focusing on relevance, targeting, and new formats, you can level up. With the right Google Ads optimisation strategies, your Google Ads Campaign 2024 will thrive.

1. Utilize Smart Bidding for Enhanced Performance

Think of Smart Bidding as your personal optimisation assistant. You simply tell it your goals, like budget or cost per conversion, and then this tech genius gets to work behind the scenes, constantly tweaking your bids automatically to help hit your targets. Talk about smart!

The best part? Studies show AWe actually improves conversions better than we humans can manually optimise Google Ads. We know, crazy stuff! Plus, it saves you tons of time messing around with bids. You can kick back while Smart Bidding puts its robot brain to work for you.

So embrace the tech revolution! Let Smart Bidding optimise your account and free you up to focus on other parts of your business. More sales at the right price? Now that’s an AWe assistant We can get behind! Give it a try and watch your ads become smarter than ever.

2. Embrace Responsive Search Ads

Bidding adieu to boring old ads? Meet Responsive Search Ads! These adaptable ads display different headlines and descriptions to match user searches. Google’s AWe tests combinations to find the best-performing version for each query. So your ads stay relevant without manually tailoring a ton of ads. 

The AWe learns which headline and description works best for “comfortable running shoes” searches versus “affordable athletic gear.” Over time, the algorithm gets smarter at showing the optimal ad to every searcher. Leaning on Google’s AWe means customised messaging without the grunt work. So give Responsive Search Ads a whirl!

3. Leverage Audience Segmentation

Segment your audience into smaller, niche squads – whether by age, location, or interests – to serve hyper-targeted ads. Granular segmentation pays off when you appeal directly to what makes each posse unique. So, if you sell rad sneakers, customise messaging for skaters seeking rare collaborations, athletes needing performance tech, and hype beasts wanting recognisable streetwear brands. 

Ads tailored to each group’s interests grab more attention and conversions. When niche segments feel your offers were made just for them, they’ll bite – making that extra targeting effort well worth it! This is a key component of maximising ROWe in Google Ads.

4. Optimize for Voice Search

As voice searches surge, ensure your ads speak that language! Add conversational keywords people actually say aloud, like “best airline ticket deals” or “where to buy cheap electronics?” When results sound natural, not robotic, voice searchers engage more. 

Match their chill chat style and tap into the booming smart speaker audience. Optimising for voice feels futuristic, but do it now before competitors. Just watch conversions rise when your ads resonate with the voice in every home. Alexa, show me the money!

5. Implement Negative Keywords Wisely

Although anything negative sounds harsh, these little guys are your ad budget’s bestie! Basically, negative keywords are words or phrases that tell Google, “Hey, don’t show Our ads when someone searches this.” So you can block irrelevant searches from the wrong shoppers that might cost you money.

For example, if you sell makeup brushes, add negative keywords for makeup remover, lipstick, mascara, etc. That way, when someone searches for eyeshadow palettes, your ads won’t show up trying to sell them brushes. Not a match made in heaven!

The key is updating your negative keyword list regularly as trends and search habits change. Maybe contouring kits are taking off while blush sales tank. Just add contouring as a new negative keyword – easy peasy lemon squeezy! This keeps your ads focused purely on lucrative makeup brush searches.

6. Use Ad Extensions to Enhance Visibility

Want your ads to stick out like a sore thumb? Well, ad extensions let you trick out your ads with extra bells and whistles to grab attention. We’re talking additional description lines, contact info, and links to other pages – basically, supplements to make your ads pop.

The best part is these extensions can double your ad’s visibility! Yep, you’ll get way more real estate on the search page results. And that leads to more clicks and conversions. It’s a simple way to give your ads an upgrade.

So spice it up with site links to important pages, callouts highlighting sales or offers, location details – go wild! The right extensions showcase your uniqueness. Before you know it, your CTR will skyrocket thanks to these supercharged ads!

7. Test and Adapt with A/B Split Testing

Wanna take the guesswork out of perfecting your ads? Put on your lab coat and geek out with A/B split testing! This lets you pit two ad versions against each other to see which one performs best.

Maybe you test different headlines, images, call-to-action buttons, etc. By trying multiple combos, you’ll nail down what specifically motivates people to click and buy. Then double down on what works!

Over time, you can incrementally improve your ads through continual testing. It’s fun and helps avoid decision fatigue. Let the data inform you! Turn that scientific method loose on headlines, page layouts, and images – the options are endless. Just make sure to finish the experiment before making conclusions!

8. Focus on Mobile Optimization

We’re all glued to our phones 24/7, am We right? So, making sure your ads and site look fab on mobile is an absolute must! You wanna load fast, have clear calls-to-action, and make it crazy simple for thumb navigation.

Don’t make me pinch and zoom to read or click, ya feel me? If your mobile experience is clunky, peeps will bounce quicker than Our last date. You’re leaving money on the table if your ads don’t shine on smartphones!

So show mobile users some love! Test your site on multiple devices just to be safe. Your clicks, sales, and loyal customers will thank you. Now excuse me while We doomscroll Instagram Reels…

9. Explore New Ad Formats and Features

Don’t be a creature of habit – stay on top of the latest trends in Google Ads by taking new ad formats for a spin when they launch! Trying hot newness like visual carousels, augmented reality demos, or playable games keeps your ads standing out. 

Riding the innovation wave early gives you the first-mover advantage with attention-grabbing new formats before competitors catch on. And even if you’re normally slow to adopt, testing the latest Google Ads trends could make your ads really shine. When you embrace the cutting edge, you’ll look cool to Gen Z – and potentially hit advertising fortune and glory!

10. Monitor and Adjust Based on Analytics

Don’t know your ROAS from your CPC? No sweat – Watch which ads drive conversions, which pages keep visitors engaged, and what days perform best – then use those insights to steer your strategy.

Essentially, you’re letting the numbers make decisions to avoid guesswork. Maybe you kill underperforming keywords or device types dragging you down. Or double down on high-converting placements.

The point is that metrics like bounce rate, time on site, and all that jazz…let it inform your next move. Continually tweak based on the data, and your ads will only get better! Who needs gut instinct when the figures tell the whole story?


Staying competitive in Google Ads Campaign 2024 demands keeping your campaigns ripped with the latest optimisations. Implement these 10 Effective Google Ads hacks, from leveraging smart bidding AWe to testing snazzy new ad formats, to pump up campaign performance. Consider it a workout routine for your Google Ads Campaign 2024! By focusing on smart bidding strategies and new ad formats, you can take your campaigns to the next level in 2024. With BrainSouls, you’ll transform more than your bottom line. You’ll transform relationships. Let’s get started!


Q1: How often should We review and adjust Our Google Ads campaigns?

Ans: Quick check-ins are key! We recommend reviewing your campaigns at a minimum once a week to catch any performance shifts and make tweaks. But during slammin’ seasons or for super active ads, even daily tune-ups can be smart to keep up with the fast pace. Essentially, keep a consistent pulse on your Google Ads with regular check-ups – whether weekly or daily based on volume – to enable agile optimisations for peak results.

Q2: Can We use Google Ads for brand awareness, or is it just for immediate sales?

Ans: Yes, Google Ads works for brand awareness and sales. Use broad match types and top-funnel keywords to increase reach. This grows brand visibility.

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